Refugee Application in Canada from Syria

Refugee Application in Canada from Syria

Refugee Application in Canada from Syria
Refugee Application in Canada from Syria

Refugee Application in Canada from Syria: A Comprehensive Overview


The Syrian refugee crisis, which began in 2011, has resulted in millions of Syrians seeking refuge from violence and conflict. Canada, known for its humanitarian stance on refugee issues, has been actively involved in providing a safe haven for Syrian refugees. This essay explores the process of refugee application in Canada from Syria, highlighting the challenges faced by Syrian refugees, Canada's response to the crisis, and the impact on both refugees and Canadian society.

The Syrian Refugee Crisis & Refugee Application in Canada from Syria

The Syrian civil war, which erupted in 2011, has been one of the most devastating conflicts of the 21st century. It has led to the displacement of millions of Syrians, both internally and internationally. The conflict has resulted in widespread violence, destruction, and human rights abuses, compelling many Syrians to flee their homes in search of safety.

Canada's Response to Refugee Application in Canada from Syria

Canada's response to the Syrian refugee crisis has been characterized by a commitment to humanitarianism and a desire to provide assistance to those in need. Under the leadership of then-Prime Minister Stephen Harper and later Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Canada initiated several programs to resettle Syrian refugees.

  1. Operation Syrian Refugees: In 2015, Canada launched Operation Syrian Refugees, a program aimed at resettling 25,000 Syrian refugees in a matter of months. This ambitious undertaking involved multiple government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and private sponsors.
  2. Government-Assisted Refugees (GARs): Through this program, refugees receive financial assistance and support from the Canadian government to establish themselves in Canada. They are typically identified and referred by the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR).
  3. Private Sponsorship Program: Canada encourages private citizens, groups, and organizations to sponsor refugees. Under this program, sponsors take on financial and settlement responsibilities for refugees for a specific period.
  4. Blended Visa Office-Referred Program: This program combines elements of government assistance and private sponsorship, allowing sponsors to partner with the government to support refugees.

Refugee Application in Canada from Syria
Refugee Application in Canada from Syria

The Application Process of Refugee Application in Canada from Syria

Syrian refugees seeking to resettle in Canada go through a rigorous application process, which includes the following steps:

  1. Registration with the United Nations: Syrian refugees often register with the UNHCR, which then assesses their eligibility for resettlement and refers eligible cases to Canada.
  2. Security and Medical Screening: Applicants undergo security and medical screenings to ensure they do not pose security risks and are in good health.
  3. Immigration Interviews: Interviews with Canadian immigration officers are conducted to assess admissibility and gather information about the applicant's background.
  4. Selection and Approval: Once approved, refugees receive a Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) and a visa, allowing them to enter Canada as permanent residents.
  5. Settlement Services: Upon arrival in Canada, refugees receive settlement support, including housing, language training, and assistance in finding employment.

Challenges Faced by Syrian Refugees in Refugee Application in Canada from Syria

Syrian refugees face numerous challenges during the application process and after resettlement in Canada. These challenges include cultural adjustment, language barriers, trauma from their experiences in Syria, and the need to rebuild their lives in a new country. Additionally, some refugees may have family members still in Syria or other countries, creating emotional distress and a desire for reunification.

Refugee Application in Canada from Syria
Refugee Application in Canada from Syria

Impact on Canadian Society & Refugee Application in Canada from Syria

The resettlement of Syrian refugees in Canada has had a significant impact on Canadian society. It has demonstrated the country's commitment to humanitarian values and has fostered a sense of community involvement and empathy among Canadians. The private sponsorship program, in particular, has seen communities across the country come together to support refugees in their integration efforts.


The Syrian refugee crisis has been a global humanitarian challenge, and Canada has played a pivotal role in providing refuge to Syrian individuals and families. The application process for Syrian refugees seeking resettlement in Canada is comprehensive and involves multiple steps to ensure the safety and well-being of refugees. Despite the challenges faced by refugees, their resettlement has had a positive impact on Canadian society, emphasizing the country's commitment to welcoming those in need and fostering diversity and inclusion.

In the face of ongoing global refugee crises, Canada's response to the Syrian refugee crisis serves as a model of compassion, cooperation, and effective resettlement policies. As the world continues to grapple with displacement and conflict, Canada's approach to refugee applications remains a beacon of hope and a testament to the power of international solidarity.


In case, if you need Help with Legal Services in Refugee Application in Canada from Syria or other countries, please fill in Application below or contact us directly.



Country, where are you currently reside.
In case, if you are outside of Canada, your application will be reviewed only, if you have UNHCR referral letter to Canada.
Should be available in whatsapp, telegram, wechat, etc.
In case, if you are outside of Canada, your application will be reviewed only, if you have UNHCR referral letter to Canada.
You must have well-founded fear of persecution based on next sub-categories.
Choose the province, which you are interested in to live in and need assistance from local immigration law professional.
For outside of Canada applicants only. In case, if you are outside of Canada and do not have referral letter from UNHCR to Canada, we will not be able assist you.
Describe in details your fears and evidences of your existing or potential persecution in your country and your potential refugee claim in Canada. Word file and 1-2 pages maximum.