Refugee Center in Calgary

Refugee Center in Calgary

Refugee Center in Calgary
Refugee Center in Calgary

Refugee Center in Calgary: Providing Hope and Assistance


Calgary, a vibrant city in Alberta, Canada, has long been a destination for refugees seeking safety, security, and a fresh start in a new country. This diverse and welcoming metropolis is home to several refugee centers that play a pivotal role in the resettlement process, providing essential services and support to refugees as they begin their journey toward rebuilding their lives. This comprehensive guide delves into the world of refugee center in Calgary, exploring their mission, services, and the crucial role they play in helping refugees integrate into Canadian society.


Understanding Refugees and the Need for Support from Refugee Center in Calgary

Before delving into the specifics of refugee center in Calgary, it's important to understand the challenges that refugees face and why dedicated support systems are necessary.

Refugees are individuals who have been forced to flee their home countries due to persecution, conflict, violence, or other life-threatening circumstances. They often leave behind everything they know and cherish in search of safety and a better future for themselves and their families. Refugees typically arrive in their host countries with limited resources, limited knowledge of the local language and culture, and often with traumatic experiences that require emotional and psychological support.

To address these challenges and provide refugees with the tools they need to rebuild their lives, refugee centers in Calgary offer a wide range of services, from settlement support and language training to mental health counseling and employment assistance.

Refugee Center in Calgary
Refugee Center in Calgary

The Role of Refugee Center in Calgary

Refugee center in Calgary serves as essential hubs for newcomers, providing them with comprehensive support to facilitate their integration into Canadian society. These centers operate with a multifaceted mission that includes the following key objectives:

  1. Welcome and Orientation: The first and foremost role of refugee centers is to welcome newcomers to Calgary and provide them with orientation on life in Canada. This includes information on housing, healthcare, education, legal rights, and cultural norms.
  2. Settlement Support: Refugee centers offer practical assistance with securing housing, opening bank accounts, obtaining identification documents, and accessing government services. They help refugees navigate the complex bureaucracy involved in resettlement.
  3. Language Training: Language is a crucial barrier for many refugees. Centers offer language classes, both in English and French, to help refugees become proficient in the official languages of Canada. Proficiency in the local language is vital for employment opportunities and social integration.
  4. Employment Assistance: Finding employment is a key step in self-sufficiency and integration. Refugee centers provide job search assistance, resume building, interview preparation, and referrals to employers willing to hire newcomers.
  5. Cultural Integration: Understanding Canadian culture and society is essential for successful integration. Refugee centers organize cultural orientation programs and events that introduce newcomers to Canadian customs, traditions, and values.
  6. Education and Training: Many refugees come with aspirations for further education or vocational training. Centers help them navigate the Canadian education system and access programs that align with their career goals.
  7. Healthcare Access: Refugee centers assist newcomers in registering for healthcare services and accessing medical care when needed. They also provide information about preventive healthcare and well-being.
  8. Mental Health and Trauma Support: Recognizing that many refugees have experienced trauma, centers offer mental health counseling and support services to help individuals cope with their past experiences and adjust to their new lives.
  9. Community Building: Building a sense of community is vital for refugees' emotional well-being. Centers organize social events, support groups, and community-building activities to help newcomers connect with each other and with the local community.
  10. Legal Assistance: Refugee center in Calgary often Partners with legal aid organizations or provide service directly to refugees with legal assistance related to immigration status, family reunification, and other legal matters.

These organizations, among others, play a crucial role in Calgary's vibrant refugee resettlement ecosystem, working together to provide a holistic network of support to newcomers.

Refugee Center in Calgary
Refugee Center in Calgary

Refugee Center in Calgary: Challenges and Opportunities 

While refugee center in Calgary and across Canada provides invaluable support to refugees, they also face various challenges in fulfilling their mission. Some of the challenges include:

  1. Limited Resources: Many centers operate on limited budgets and rely on government funding and donations. Increased funding can help them expand their services and reach more individuals.
  2. Language Barriers: Language remains a significant barrier for refugees. Providing more language classes and specialized support for those with limited literacy can be beneficial.
  3. Trauma-Informed Care: Addressing the trauma that many refugees have experienced requires specialized training and resources. Centers need to continually enhance their capacity in this area.
  4. Employment Opportunities: Helping refugees secure meaningful employment can be challenging, especially when faced with credential recognition issues. More partnerships with employers willing to hire newcomers can alleviate this challenge.
  5. Mental Health Services: There is a growing recognition of the importance of mental health support for refugees. Expanding mental health services and ensuring culturally sensitive care is essential.

Despite these challenges, refugee center in Calgary is uniquely positioned to capitalize on opportunities to enhance their services. Increased community engagement, innovative programming, and continued advocacy for refugees can further strengthen their impact.


Refugee center in Calgary is beacon of hope for individuals and families who have fled their homelands in search of safety and opportunity. These centers provide comprehensive support, including settlement assistance, language training, employment support, and mental health services, to help refugees rebuild their lives in Canada.Their mission is not only to facilitate integration but also to foster a sense of belonging and community among newcomers. With the dedication of staff, volunteers, and the broader community, refugee center in Calgary plays a vital role in ensuring that refugees can thrive and contribute to the diverse fabric of Canadian society. As Calgary continues to be a welcoming city for refugees, the work of these centers remains essential in fulfilling the promise of a brighter future for those who have endured the hardships of displacement. Through collaboration, innovation, and ongoing support, refugee center in Calgary continue to provide hope and assistance to those in need, embodying the spirit of compassion and resilience that defines the city and its people.


In case, if you need Help from Refugee Center in Calgary, please fill in Application below or contact us directly.


Country, where are you currently reside.
In case, if you are outside of Canada, your application will be reviewed only, if you have UNHCR referral letter to Canada.
Should be available in whatsapp, telegram, wechat, etc.
In case, if you are outside of Canada, your application will be reviewed only, if you have UNHCR referral letter to Canada.
You must have well-founded fear of persecution based on next sub-categories.
Choose the province, which you are interested in to live in and need assistance from local immigration law professional.
For outside of Canada applicants only. In case, if you are outside of Canada and do not have referral letter from UNHCR to Canada, we will not be able assist you.
Describe in details your fears and evidences of your existing or potential persecution in your country and your potential refugee claim in Canada. Word file and 1-2 pages maximum.