Refugee Center in Halifax

Refugee Center in Halifax

Refugee Center in Halifax
Refugee Center in Halifax

Refugee Center in Halifax

Halifax, the capital city of Nova Scotia, Canada, has a long history of welcoming refugees and immigrants. As a vibrant and diverse community, Halifax offers various resources and organizations dedicated to assisting refugees in their resettlement journey. While there may not be a single "Refugee Center" in Halifax, several key organizations and initiatives work tirelessly to provide support and services to refugees, asylum seekers, and newcomers to the city. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore these organizations, their roles, services offered, and the broader context of refugee resettlement in Halifax.




Refugee Center in Halifax
Refugee Center in Halifax

1. Introduction: Refugee Center in Halifax

Halifax, situated on the eastern coast of Canada, has a rich history as a welcoming and inclusive city for refugees and newcomers. It is the largest city in Nova Scotia, a province known for its friendly atmosphere and diverse population. Refugees arriving in Halifax often find themselves in a supportive environment where numerous organizations and services are available to help them successfully settle and integrate into Canadian society.

While there may not be a single centralized "Refugee Center" in Halifax, there is a network of organizations, government agencies, educational institutions, and community groups that collaborate to provide essential support to refugees. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the refugee resettlement landscape in Halifax, including the services and resources available to refugees, as well as the broader context of refugee integration in the city.

2. The Halifax Refugee Center Context

Halifax has a long history of welcoming refugees and immigrants from various countries and backgrounds. These newcomers have contributed to the city's cultural diversity and enriched the local community. Refugees arriving in Halifax may come from regions affected by conflict, persecution, or other humanitarian crises. They seek safety, stability, and opportunities for a better life in Canada.

Refugees in Halifax often arrive through Canada's refugee resettlement programs, which can include government-assisted refugees, privately sponsored refugees, and asylum seekers. The city's commitment to refugee resettlement is reflected in the presence of numerous organizations and initiatives dedicated to providing assistance, support, and resources to refugees as they begin their new lives in Halifax.

Refugee Center in Halifax
Refugee Center in Halifax

3. Organizations Supporting Refugees in Halifax

Halifax boasts a range of organizations and resources that play crucial roles in supporting refugees during their resettlement process. These organizations offer services such as settlement assistance, housing support, language training, legal aid, healthcare, employment services, and cultural integration programs. Here are some key organizations that contribute to Halifax's welcoming environment for refugees:

3.1. Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS)

The Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS) is a prominent organization that provides comprehensive settlement services to immigrants, refugees, and newcomers in Halifax and throughout Nova Scotia. ISANS offers a wide range of services, including:

  • Language Training: ISANS provides language classes to help newcomers improve their English language skills, which is essential for communication, employment, and integration.
  • Settlement Services: Newcomers can access settlement services, including information about healthcare, housing, education, and legal matters. ISANS staff assist refugees in navigating various systems.
  • Employment Services: ISANS offers employment-related support, including job search assistance, resume building, and interview preparation. They also connect newcomers with potential employers.
  • Cultural Orientation: ISANS provides cultural orientation programs to help refugees better understand Canadian society, values, and norms.
  • Youth and Family Services: Specialized services are available for youth and families, including youth programs, family support, and counseling.


3.2. Halifax Refugee Center Clinic

The Halifax Refugee Center  is a legal aid organization that focuses on assisting refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants with their legal needs. They offer services such as:

  • Legal Advice: The clinic provides legal advice and representation to individuals seeking asylum or facing immigration-related legal challenges.
  • Refugee Claimant Services: For those seeking asylum in Canada, the Halifax Refugee Center assists with the preparation and submission of refugee claims.
  • Immigration Appeals: The Refugee Center offers support to individuals who are appealing immigration decisions.
  • Community Education: They engage in community education and advocacy to raise awareness of refugee and immigration issues.

3.3. The Halifax Public Libraries

Halifax's public libraries offer a variety of resources and services that benefit newcomers and refugees, including:

  • Language Learning Materials: Libraries provide access to language learning resources, including books, online language courses, and conversation groups.
  • Settlement Information: Libraries offer information about settlement services, community resources, and local events.
  • Cultural Programs: They host cultural events and activities that promote diversity and community engagement.

3.4. Local Community and Faith-Based Organizations

Numerous community and faith-based organizations in Halifax actively support refugees and newcomers. These organizations often provide social and cultural integration opportunities, as well as assistance with practical matters such as housing and food security.

3.5. Dalhousie University and Other Educational Institutions

Educational institutions in Halifax, including Dalhousie University, offer support to refugee students and newcomers. This support may include language programs, academic advising, and access to educational resources.

3.6. Health Care Services

Refugees in Halifax have access to the Canadian healthcare system, which provides medical care, mental health support, and other health-related services. Nova Scotia Health Authority (NSHA) is the primary healthcare provider in the province.

3.8. Legal Aid Services

In addition to the Halifax Refugee Center, refugees in Halifax can access legal aid services to address various legal issues, including immigration matters.

4. Housing Support for Refugees in Halifax Refugee Center

Securing safe and stable housing is a crucial aspect of refugee resettlement in Halifax. Several organizations and programs assist refugees in finding suitable accommodation:

  • ISANS Housing Services: ISANS provides housing support to newcomers, helping them find affordable and safe housing in Halifax.
  • Local Housing Authorities: Local housing authorities can assist refugees in accessing affordable housing options, including subsidized housing.
  • Private Sponsorship Groups: Privately sponsored refugees often receive support from sponsor groups, which may include assistance with housing arrangements.
  • Community Organizations: Some community organizations collaborate with refugees to help them find housing, especially during their initial settlement period.

5. Integration and Language Services

Integration into Canadian society and improving language skills are crucial for refugees' success in Halifax. Organizations like ISANS offer language training programs, cultural orientation, and integration services. Language resources, such as language classes and conversation groups, are widely available through libraries, community centers, and educational institutions.

6. Employment and Job Training

Finding employment is a key step in refugee integration. ISANS and the YMCA, among others, offer employment-related services, including job search support, resume building, interview preparation, and access to job training programs. Refugees are encouraged to seek assistance from these organizations to increase their chances of finding meaningful employment.

7. Community Support and Cultural Integration

Refugees in Halifax are welcomed into a diverse and inclusive community. Local community organizations, faith-based groups, and cultural associations often organize events and activities that promote social inclusion and cultural exchange. These initiatives help refugees build social connections, share their own cultures, and learn about Canadian customs.

8. Conclusion

Halifax, Nova Scotia, exemplifies Canada's commitment to welcoming refugees and providing them with opportunities for a fresh start. While there may not be a single "Refugee Center" in Halifax, numerous organizations, including ISANS, the Halifax Refugee Center, the YMCA, and many others, work collaboratively to support refugees and newcomers in various aspects of their resettlement journey.

Refugees in Halifax have access to services that cover settlement, housing, legal aid, language training, healthcare, employment support, and cultural integration. These services empower refugees to build new lives, contribute to their communities, and thrive in their adopted home. Halifax's dedication to diversity and inclusion makes it a welcoming and supportive place for refugees seeking safety, stability, and the chance for a brighter future.


In case, if you need Immigration Help with your Refugee Immigration Application, our Refugee center in Halifax will be glad to assist you. Please fill in Application below.



Country, where are you currently reside.
In case, if you are outside of Canada, your application will be reviewed only, if you have UNHCR referral letter to Canada.
Should be available in whatsapp, telegram, wechat, etc.
In case, if you are outside of Canada, your application will be reviewed only, if you have UNHCR referral letter to Canada.
You must have well-founded fear of persecution based on next sub-categories.
Choose the province, which you are interested in to live in and need assistance from local immigration law professional.
For outside of Canada applicants only. In case, if you are outside of Canada and do not have referral letter from UNHCR to Canada, we will not be able assist you.
Describe in details your fears and evidences of your existing or potential persecution in your country and your potential refugee claim in Canada. Word file and 1-2 pages maximum.